Saturday, 15 December 2012

Taking the Digital out of Digital.

Quick update -
I have just purchased the new film emu pack from XeL (link below)

XeL: Film Booster Volume 1 provides you with 12 new film film emulations for lightroom 4

I feel the guys at XeL deserve every penny for the amount of hard work they put into these film emulators for Adobe's Lightroom 4.

Here's a couple i've outputted this morning.. 

XeL film type - Lomography Redscale 100 – A bone stock standard C-41 Negative film that is commercially loaded backwards in the film cartridge. Emulated the film as a standard color negative film, 

XeL film type - Rollei IR Filtered – Infrared film shot through a standard IR filter, to get an authentic IR rendition. Simply an amazing preset.

Support XeL  :-)

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Katy & Dan - Sheene Mill, Melbourn Royston, SG8 6DX

Sample images taken from Katy & Dans wedding at Sheene Mill. 

All images ©Scott Gilbert